Thursday, January 31, 2008

(1) When to Consider Alternative Medicines\Holistic Healing

Have you ever sat in a doctor's office scared, frustrated, anxious and filled with an overall sense that the doctor is essentially guessing at the diagnosis for you sickness or ailments and is all too eager to confidently write a script for a medicine where the side effects are more dangerous than the symptoms? Thankfully, I am in great health now but there were times in my life where I did struggle with chronic pain and migraines bouncing from specialist to specialist who always had a differing diagnosis from the previous doctor and who always left  me with, "Try this and come see me in three months", and quickly put his pad back in his pocket and rushed out the door to his next 10 minute appointment. What they don't realize is that months turn quickly into years and when you are in chronic pain randomly handing out one harsh prescription after the other  is just not an option. 

I soon realized that you have to become your own diagnostician and your own healthcare advocate and never take a doctor's word as 100% truth. Get second and third opinions if your aliment is not one that  is life-threatening and must be treated immediately. One luxury I do have is having a father who is a pharmacist and toxicologist. Thankfully, I would be able to question my father in the safeness of these prescriptions. This made me well aware of the harmful and possible life-threatening side effects of some of these drugs. So, having a drawer stuffed with unfilled scripts, I became curious if there was a more holistic approach to healing and preventing my symptoms. 

Often, I would bring questions to doctors about certain supplements, treatments or vitamins and it would be immediately followed with a demeaning laugh and a look almost as if to say, "Is this young woman questioning me, a DOCTOR???" To most MDs if you ask such questions you might as well be carrying around a voodoo doll. You will find that most of these "Top Doctors" are so specialized that they are unable to look at the whole picture and properly treat a patient. Everything is related and intertwined and the body cannot be compartmentalized just to make healthcare more "billable".  Like so many areas in life, out of hard times there are lessons learned and interest that are sparked. My personal experiences have lead me to continue my search for holistic and alternative medicines. 

Please note, this is not a site to downplay the importance of doctors or antibiotics as there are so many brilliant people in the medical field. Hopefully soon there will be a switch/merger with Eastern and Western medicine and in many places this partnering of beliefs and practices is already underway. I would just like to build a site that does give people the information and option to intelligently question what is in the best interest for themselves and their quest to get better. 

One website/Wellness Center that I did find inspiring was the website for Triune Wellness Center: and

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