Sunday, March 9, 2008

(5) & (6) Poster Project & Zine Ideas

For this week's assignment, we were asked to create a poster in Illustrator based on an imagined event that pertains to our research topic which we would organize or host. We were asked to incorporate different fonts, our logo, background colors, images on multiple layers, etc. I choose to make a poster that would advertise a Holistic Healing Day/Fair where people could gather information on topics such as accupuncture, where to find certified accupuncturists, information on certified nutritionists and dieticians, physicians who do incorporate a more holistic approach to treating patients, massage therapists, information on herbs and vitamins that can work in healing and preventing certain diseases, information on the benefits of yoga and meditation and lastly a whole information session solely dedication to educating physicians on alternative and complimentary therapies in hopes of mainstreaming the medical field to treat the patient as a whole and look more into the mind/body/medicine relationships.

We were told that the poster would also be a good first step for a possible cover to our zine. We were also told to start thinking about the purpose and intent of our zine and where we would like it distributed. I think I would want my zine to be a source or reference guide to people who are suffering and who have have exhausted every conventional way of healing themselves and are needing something hopeful and more of a positive experience that what they have encountered in the past. That being said, I think doctor's waiting rooms would be a good distribution location. I also would want to target people who are not sick but just looking to lead a healthy lifestyle so yoga centers, health food stores, WholeFoods supermarkets would also be a good place to have this zine.

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